Whatever Next? Thoughts for 2020


Last year was Brexit, so much confusion
Promise of bold new direction
Reality became no more than illusion
With many a Party defection
Downing Street got itself a new resident
For some a man of great charm
Preferring to think himself as President
Others can see through the smarm


“We got it done” was the well-worn phrase
As things showed some signs of success
Who was to know that in just a few days
We'd end up in such a big mess
Unprecedented change to everyone's life
Disease with lowly beginning
Caused international chaos and much strife
Nobody appeared to be winning


Now is the time to be optimistic
Let's hope that the future will be bright
Time to be strong and yet be realistic
Unsung heroes will come into light
Beware of scoundrels out to make money
Persuading the vulnerable they need it
They promise you lands of milk and honey
Then will supply you with a vegan diet


Spirit and Science will prevail in the end
People join forces together
Physically distant but world on the mend
We look for change in the weather
Remember those lost, don't just be sad
Their lives will stay in your mind
Think of all the good times that you had
Let's all be a little more kind.


Let's hear it for Doctors, Carers and Nurses
Those who are looking after us
They are not in it to fill up their purses
They get it done, minimum fuss
All with personal stories to follow
As normal life starts to unfold
There should be at the end of their rainbow
Just reward, a small pot of gold