A Matter of Convenience


When the planets all align
Sign of things to come
Some foretell events on the way
Pray that they’ll be good
Should they predict some terrible matters
Shatters all our lives
Wives and husbands fearing the worst
First for their kith and kin
Begin to worry what they hear
Fear spread by those in power
Shower with dreadful news
Views of experts all to make
Fake or real who can know?
So with all their words in mind
Blind to scheming and their ploys
Toys for the powerful to use
Abuse and misdirecting
Affecting the established norms
Forms of misdirection
Intention to achieve long term plans
Man's careless inattention to detail
To curtail over-consumption
Assumption that others will solve
Evolve a new solution
Pollution is someone else’s issue
Tissue of lies!
Surprise along comes a worldwide panic
Manic new regulations in their sights
Flights, travel industry reduce
Produce a reduction in pollution
Solution almost overnight
Right! Rejoicing everywhere
Beware! it is not funny
Money as we know it will no longer be used
Abused for fear of backlash
No cash please use a card or bank transfer
Prefer that transactions are all digital
Traceable, no longer secret
Regret it soon we will
Ill fortune brings opportunities and chances
Enhances those tricky to be more expedient
Convenient, what luck for those who scheme
Dream of plans succeeding
Bleeding life from competition
Repetition of disarray
Dismay for most hooray for some
Comewhat may
Say it’s in our DNA
OK Profit sdropping, planned job losses
Bosses with great sighs of relief
Belief that cuts already in hand
Planned before the virus came
Blame can now to the virus be passed
Past problems now gone away
Today is the new form of our normal
Formal laws replaced for now
How change is planned by small degree
Decree is how to run the world
Hurled into utter shambles
Gambles replacing thought-out strategy
Tragedy for those affected
Infected with no sign of hope
Scope for humans now to thrive
Alive to a future in our sight
Bright and full of zen
When the planets all align